OVC Outreach – 2018

The Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s outreach was carried out on December 26th 2018. About 150 children were reached with school aids, game materials, toiletries, snacks and drinks. The intention was to give every child a personal Christmas gift pack which is quite different from the norm of presenting a general gift to the orphanages. We envisaged an outcome where each child feels special, personally included and loved.
On visiting the different orphanages, the laughter and joy each personal gift gave to the children was priceless. And we are indeed glad the outreach fulfilled its intent.

David Bassey Initiative and HomesOkpara Wechie Street Eagle Island , Port Harcourt (PH)dbikpemefoundation@yahoo.com
Benevolent OrphanagePipeline Rd Rumuodomaya, PHinfo@divinebenevolentcareorphanage.org
Lemu OrphanageBehind Cecilia Plaza, Airport Rd, PHNot Available
Mercy and Praise Orphanage2, Chief G.O. Amadi close off Round about, Rumuagholu, PHmaporphanage@gmail.com
Triumphant OrphanageWoji, Port ParcourtNot Available
Saviour’s Orphanage19 Peace Crescent, Woji, Port HarcourtNot Available
Mechanic workshopChioma Auto repair workshop, Peter Odili Rd, Port HarcourtNot Available

See pictures story below:

Help us sustain this vision by putting a smile on the face of hopeful. To sponsor or support the next OVC Outreach: please follow this link to make donation or volunteer.